Invitation for Bids (IFB) – Rolwaling Kola Hydroelectric Project – Download
कम्पनीको प्रवन्धपत्रमा संशोधन गर्ने विशेष प्रस्ताव सम्वन्धमा ।कम्पनीको प्रवन्धपत्रमा संशोधन गर्ने विशेष प्रस्ताव सम्वन्धमा ।
कम्पनीको बाह्रौ र तेह्रौ वार्षिक साधारण सभा हुने सम्बन्धी सूचनाकम्पनीको बाह्रौ र तेह्रौ वार्षिक साधारण सभा हुने सम्बन्धी सूचना
७६ मेगावाट परीक्षण उत्पादनमिति २०७८।०३।२९ वाट प्रशारण ग्रिडमा सिन्क्रोनाइज गरी ३।४ दिनको पुर्ण क्षमताको परीक्षण पश्चात माथिल्लो तामाकोशी जलविद्युत आयोजनाको दोश्रो युनिटवाट २०७८।०४।०३ गते आइतवार साँझ १८:४५ बजे देखि ७६ मेगावाट परीक्षण उत्पादन भइरहेको ब्यहोरा अनुरोधछ । बाँकि परीक्षणमा रहेका युनिटहरुवाट पनि छिट्टै नै उत्पादन शुरु गरीनेछ ।
tunnel water filling of Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric ProjectPleased to inform that the tunnel water filling of Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project has been completed successfully last night after observation for 48 hours at its final level(i.e.1987 masl). This is indeed a BIG MILESTONE for the entire project. Today, we are conducting an electrical SOAK test for the first unit and wait for 24 hours of observation prior to synchronization. Similarly, 220 kV transmission line is ready up to Dhalkebar Substation and final 220 kV line-in line-out arrangements at New Khimti Substation is likely to be completed within this week. This will pave the way for synchronization of the first unit (76 MW) to integrated national power system (INPS) and will follow by further load tests. We are thankful to the Contractors Sino Hydro, Andritz Hydro, KEC International, and Consultant JV Norconsult- Lahmeyer for this achievement. We are also thankful to all board members (present and past), financers, all concerned government officials, and all concerned stakeholders for supporting us to accomplish this national pride project.
आ.व. २०७७।७८ को दोश्रो त्रैमासिक प्रतिवेदनआ.व. २०७७।७८ को दोश्रो त्रैमासिक प्रतिवेदन
Notice for PrequalificationEPC Construction of Rolwaling Khola Hydroelectric Project, Contract Identification No. RKHEP/ICB/02/2076/77
Notice for Letter of Intent- Design and Build of Permanent Bridge at Lamagbar आ.व. २०७७।७८ को प्रथम त्रैमासिक प्रतिवेदन